

So, as of late, I've been feeling like my life has been missing something. Is that thing a blog? Certainly not... But blogging is fun and I guess it's nice to sorta vent or just bullshit to no one in particular ABOUT nothing in particular. I tried my hand at tumblr, which I guess is fun for cute/funny/strange pictures and .gifs; but it lacks something (I haven't figured out what) that blogspot has. SO, THAT BEING SAID... I'm back. :-)

However, as it stands, I'm fucking EXHAUSTED... So I'm going to bed.
Something tomorrow, perhaps?


Now Playing: Quietdrive - Hansome Devils Benediction


Rebecccccca said...

WOOT! Totally taking 3% credit for getting you back.

<3 your non-creepy stalker

Annah said...

Your blog name is hilarious!