
This Just In!

My head is about to go explodey.
That is all.


...So what?

Someone pointed out to me that I'm a WoW Addict last night. After vehemently denying the claim, I've come to realize that he's right. ...But I don't think I mind. I'm happier playing WoW than I am doing most other stupid stuff, WoW doesn't bore me after an hour like most other video games do, and it's quite nice to escape from the bullshit IRL by jumping into Azeroth and killing dragons and getting some phat lootz. Gosh, I'm a nerd.

Thursday is (hopefully) my last follow up with my Ortho-Surgeon. He'll take some x-rays and (hopefully) tell me I'm dunzo with physical therapy. Boy, would that be sweet.

Anyway, I'm off to work now.



I have goals.

However nerdy they may be... they're still goals, damn it. For instance, my goals for today were to read 2 more volumes of death note and to ding 70 on WoW. I did both of those. ^_^ .....Damn, here I am ranting about how big of a dork I am. I HAVE GOT TO STOP THIS CRAP! Wheeeee, but I'm SO excited. I'm only 10 away from the big 8-0. It's a big 10 though. Shit, there I go again.

I've been drawing a lot lately too. I've gotten SO much better at poses in the past few weeks. They're not amazing or anything, but they're a FUCK TON better than what they looked like a month ago. And for that, I am proud. :D

I have this whole week off of work because of the silly February break thing. I wonder what I'll do. >.>;




...Or did I just blow your mind?

Last night, I had a dream that someone I know came to my rescue with a sword. It was like the "knight in shining armor" thing... except the armor wasn't shiny at all. He DID look bad ass though and was quite nice to me after the whole issue had been dealt with. I knew who it was, I just couldn't see the face. So the identity of this guy remains a mystery.

...And then I woke up and it's Valentine's Day. Woot? Nah, not a 'woot' occasion. I've never really had any use for Valentine's Day. It's a religious holiday that has been turned into a hallmark holiday. I'm not religious and I don't have money to be spending on a special someone that doesn't exist. And while I used to be bitter about all of the above, I've become quite apathetic about the whole thing. In my eyes, today is just another Sunday that I'll probably spend the entirety of playing WoW. If it should just so happen to include chocolate because of the "holiday"...? Well, who am I to turn that down? LOL.

OH! I went to my cousin's wedding last night. It was pretty fun. Catching up with family I haven't seen in a LONG time was awesome. My cousin Brian and his new wife Colleen looked amazing (especially Colleen's dress!) and everyone was pretty drunk by the end. And the wedding party favors, or whatever they're called; is a mini-cocktail shaker, a packet of drink mix, and a tiny bottle of Jose Cuervo. LOL AMAZING.

Anyway, I'm off.

Happy Valentine's Day?

<3 L

PS: Best shot I've ever had = Cafe Patron.


You put your body in the coffin where you sleep.

Yeah... So, it snowed. Like all effing day. Apparently, the storm we're having right now is the really cold equivalent to a hurricane. Awesome. Also, lightning-snow was rumored. I wish I lived somewhere that I could see the lightning in the snow. I bet it's real pretty. Though I don't get how it could thunder while it's snowing. To my knowledge, thunder/lightning has something to do with the heat and stuff. (Hence all the horrific thunder/lightning storms over the summer.) Of course, I'm under-educated in the realm of meteorology... So what would I know?

Anyway, because of this snow I had to cancel my physical therapy appointment for today. I played WoW instead. (SHOCKED?! ...Yeah, me either.) I also don't have work tomorrow because the North Shore Central School District is closed because of the massive snow-dump we got. That part kinda sucks, cause I could totally use the money from working. Meh.

I dyed my hair today. I love the smell of freshly dyed hair. It's comforting to me for some odd reason.

I've started sketching again. Stupid goofy doodles that aren't much good, in my opinion. It just feels good to put the shit that goes on in my imagination onto paper so that other people can see. Even though, to be honest, I tend to shy away from letting people look at my sketchbook. /shrug.

I love this song/video.

This entry was chock-full of nothingness. And I said I'd be writing more about important stuff... HAH!

<3 Laurasaur


Beautiful and Strange

I was up until about 2:30 in the morning... And honestly, I don't know how I'm functioning right now. What I do know is that I'm dealing with this stress like a champ. Like a really, REALLY nerdy champ. Video game catharsis ftw.

I don't have much else to say because my life has taken a turn for the stressful and boring, and I refuse to go into pointlessness about my WoW progress.

Bleh, I'll try to write more interesting stuff soon for you non-existent readers. Lawl.

<3 Lauren LeStrange

Now Playing: Mudvayne - Beautiful And Strange


You're listening to the sound of my breaking heart.

I'm stressed and I don't want to deal with any of it anymore. I am emotionally spent and being pulled in 50 different directions.

This needs to stop.


Now Playing: James Blunt - I Really Want You