
Wakka wakka wakka

I have this terrible habit of saying that I'll post things in later entries, but then never actually posting them. Silly Laur, I should stop that. First off, let me tell you about that dream I alluded to, last entry.

It's a little hazy now that I'm actually writing about it, but I had a dream that everyone I work with (excluding Ed) and with the addition of some other people (Dillon, Chris, Liz) lived in a huge house together. It was some sort of school, but only for the 15 of us to learn. No learning occured in the dream, but I recall being MADLY in love with someone in the house. I'm not disclosing who it was, but it was completely random and completely stupid and completely never gonna happen. Hahaha. Anyway, the whole house went to this movie theater, turned concert hall, which was also a diner (The dream was weird, I'm telling you.) and the person I was "in love with" tells me he doesn't love me, and instead loves someone else. I freak out, but decide I'll be okay. I'm walking around the gift shop and I see this person pass me and I go into like clinger mode and try and get him back. It works, weirdly, because those things never work -- and then all of a sudden he's the clinger, hanging all over me. And I like freak out and try and get him to leave me alone. Then the concert started and everything settled down. Aside from my own convoluted part in this -- random people, people who wouldn't give each other a second glance IRL, were like hooking up, becoming close, fighting with each other through out the entire dream. SO EFFING WEIRD.

The dream itself makes me laugh really hard. But it was weird. Oh, it was so weird.

Last night I drank a 24 oz Monster. This occured at around... 11:30 pm? I DIDN'T SLEEP UNTIL DAMN NEAR 5 IN THE MORNING. I implore you... If you value your sanity... Or at the very least, your health; you won't drink 24 ounces of Monster or any energy drink for that matter. I made plans for a space ship to the mood. Began drawing up designs for the ship. Assigned a co-captain (Cory) and my crew (Kristen, Anthony, Mikey, and Chris). I watched the Lisa Lampenelli comedy central and laughed harder than was necessary. I basically lost my mind. Haha. I was in a bad way.

No more Monsters for me. Well, we all know thats a lie. How about... no more Monsters for me... past 8 pm? Sounds better. Much, much better.


Why'd you make this level so hard?

i spent all day today with kristen, anthony, and mikey. lots of fun. i bought the Wicked book, and i'm excited to start reading it tomorrow. i don't feel like going to class, at all. but i have to. i can't miss a psych class, and i have a midterm thing tomorrow for criminal behavior.

i've been overdosing on hadouken! lately. it's basically all i listen to. it's swishy and clicky and fun. it keeps things light in my mind. which is always nice. i need light. in grey's anatomy terms, i'm what meredith would call, "dark and twisty." light is much needed, all the time.

in other news: i think im buying a new cellphone soon. like within the next week. gonna get a crackberry and join in the fun. im fucking DONE with my palm.

in other OTHER news: jeremie is done with bootcamp soon, which means he joins the rest of civilization again, soon. which is good, because i miss talking to him. the whole letter writing thing was kind of a flop, since im not sure he got my last letter. for whatever reason. i'll hear from him soon, though. i hope.

im going to bed. waking up tomorrow is gonna blow massive donkey wang.

oh, and i had the weirdest dream last night. i'll post it here tomorrow.

Now playing: Team Genius - Illegal Donkey Kong Remix
via FoxyTunes


This town really gets to me.

Lately, I'm noticing there is a lot of dark in my life. There are plenty of reasons for me to be miserable. There's plenty for me to complain about. There's plenty of reasons for me to just give up. I know the old me would have given up by now. The old me wouldn't have given it a second thought, and she would have just regressed to the me who spent all her free time sleeping and avoiding her life. But who I am now... she's got a light inside of her.

I know what you're thinking, "here comes Cornball Laur..." But I'm very serious. Lauren of today is a completely different person. I owe a great deal of that to the people in my life, right now. The people in my life bring me joy. Feeling 100% at ease around people... It's a nice feeling. I would not be able to deal with half the shit that's going on these days, without the friends I've got now. So thanks, guys. But, even though my friends are amazing... I can't give them all the credit. My own personal growth in the past year, even in the past 6 months; has been so great. I make me happy. I have my priorities in check. I do what I want to do, how I want to do it, and when I want to do it. I have a plan for my future. I know whats important. I'm living for ME.

I'm proud of myself.

Now playing: Wheatus - Dark Side
via FoxyTunes


Don't let our last kiss be our last.

+ The past 4 days have been a blur of laughter, excitement, count downs, headaches, and birth control pills given to men. Of the male persuasion. Manly manly men-mans. HAHA.
+ I've been pleasant this week. Considering I should be PMSing like a mother fucker.
- My back hurts. Bad.
- I have to wake up tomorrow at 5 am.
+ Every day is one day closer to Florida. 67 days!
+ My house now has exercise equipment. I'll be doing that basically every day now.
- I have been getting headaches constantly. I'm thinking it's time to venture to the neurologist. FUCK.
+ I find myself more able to create now, than I was 3 weeks ago. My creative juices are flowing once again, and it's a relief.
+ I'm blessed with the most amazing friends ever.
- I'm SO ready for it to be Spring Break. ...We have 3 weeks left. Mother of Kurt. TOO MUCH TIME BETWEEN NOW AND THEN. Arrgh.
+ I've been listening to Miranda Cosgrove's CD. What the hell, I'm a big enough dork. I can't go back on this now. -dances like teeny bopping 12 year old-

I swear, I'll update for real-for real tomorrow or something. Right now I'm heading to bed.

Now playing: Miranda Cosgrove - About You Now
via FoxyTunes


Lauren Returns!

Short update for today.

+ Booked for a SICK trip to Florida with some of my favorite people. (Kristen, Anthony, Mikey, Chris, and Liz.)
- Trip is VERY far from now. 74 days!
+ Finally got my haircut. It's ballin'.
- I have two tests tomorrow, and I can't bring myself to study for them. -sigh-
--- I have to write a paper on a book I never read tomorrow night. -ultra sigh-

I'll post something meaningful tomorrow. Until then, here's something interesting for you to look at so you get to know me better. I stole the idea from my girl Kat Dennings. (Lulz, I wish. If her and I ever meet, we'll be instant BFF. But that's another blog for another day.) Might I add how shitty MS Paint is? Oh, wait. You have pulse. You knew that, didn't you?

Ta-ta for now.

Now playing: Backstreet Boys - Dont Want You Back
via FoxyTunes