
Delivering a Kick to the Nuts of 2009

Kay, so that stupid allergic reaction is gone, but now my lips are chapped as hell, and I have to apply chapstick (100% natural lip butter... pfft.) like an addict. /sigh. SO ANNOYING.

Today I had pre-op testing for my surgery that's in a week. Lots of waiting around, answering questions, and being poked and prodded. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So no complaints from me. My only issue with the whole thing was the snow that I had to travel through to get to the hospital. Seriously, Mother Nature? ::grumble grumble::

...ANYWAY! It's New Year's Eve!! Time to kick 2009 in the nuts and usher in 2010. Twenty-ten. Two-oh-One-oh. Otherwise known as: The Year of WIN.

Plans for 2010:
» Aesthetic make-overs galore. It's about time I make myself happy with myself. Ya digg?
» Get my CNA certification.
» Get a CNA job at a hospital or nursing/rehab facility.

Anything more than those three things I listed are just extra. Like, it'd be nice to get myself a car, go on a nice vacation, or I don't know... be in a decent relationship? Lol. But my MAIN focus is making myself happy. I can let those opportunities find me along the way. And if they don't? ...No biggie. So um... I guess here's where I talk about my resolutions?

In 2010 I will...
» Take more chances. I'm also going to stop wasting time making decisions that don't benefit ME, but rather spare the feelings of others. 2010 is about LAUREN.
» Stop worrying so much. I spent SO much time in 2009 worrying about "what-if". In 2010, the what-if's are gone. It's not healthy to worry about dumb shit.
» Stop taking things to heart. I spent a lot of 2009 being sore about guys that made me feel like shit about myself, because they didn't like me. I know I have my self loathing moments, but for what it's worth, I like myself. In 2010, no one is gonna make me feel like shit about myself.

There's definitely more than that, but who knows if I'll even stick to those?

Either way, I hope everyone has a happy and healthy New Year. PLEASE BE SAFE.
<3 Laurasaur

Go check out his stuff. It's all in ASL, but the songs he translates are fuckin amazing. AND if you're an ASL nerd like I am (which you're probably not) he also posts the glosses to his English>ASL interpretation videos. It's very convenient for fellow interpreters.



Now Playing: Hellogoodbye - Oh, It Is Love


The Annual Year End Re-Cap: 2009 Edition

I can't believe I've had this blog for a year. I don't think I've ever had a blog that I've kept up with STEADILY for an entire year. Yay for finally committing to a blog. P: ANYWAY, on to the point of this blog...

I didn't get to do one of these last year because if you remember, I was otherwise indisposed. -_-; AHNEYWAIZ -- Here's what made 2009 rock AND what made 2009 suck.


Boy Issues:
Started off the year being depressed because my ex left NY. Acted like that was the end of the world. Alright, alright -- I was pretty torn up about it. As silly as it was. Whatevs. Then shit got progressively worse when he broke up with me a month later. 3 months of sadness. Bleh, whatever. Then I fell for a boy in the army who talked me up and down about all this bullshit that in the end never came to be because he dropped me like a bad habit. Ouch. I swear, I set myself up for this shit.

I was sick A LOT in 2009. Probably cause I was all distressed over bullshit. THAT, or I was paying back some SERIOUS karmic debt because of my Swine Flue jokes. Either way, it wasn't a good year for my immune system.

Mom's diverticulitis
She was sick for like 3 weeks, in bed, and thought it was an ovarian cyst that ruptured. Finally, I made her go to the hospital because she ran a fever. Turns out she could have died if she hadn't gone to the ER when she did. An emergency surgery, 5 months of recovery, and ANOTHER surgery later, Momma-dukes is still not 100%.

The Infamous Ankle Incident
Well, DUH. Of course this would be on the list. You all know the story. Mid-October, I'm in my dance class bustin moves... I end up bustin my ankle and it all goes downhill from there. I needed surgery, and stayed in the hospital for 4 days. Had to withdraw from school. Had to take off from work. And here it is, almost January and I'm still not working.

Nassau Fucked Me. HARD.
Alright, if you need a reminder of this, just read an entry or two down. I'm not recapping.

TEH R0xXx0Rz!!1!!1!one!1!:

Spent a week in Sunny Florida with the NSBGC crew. It was awesome. Lots of fun, lots of laugh, lots of sunburn. Not much more to say. It was really nice.

Awesome Grades
I kicked the piss out of the Spring 09 Semester. Three A's and two B+'s. Fuckin' right. GPA hath been brought up to 3.75 or summat like that.

Red Mango
(Can you tell I'm REALLY reaching for stuff to go on the good list?) Red Mango is the shit and I was introduced to it by Sami this summer. Haha. :)

Excellent Music
One thing I can say about 2009 was that I downloaded a SHIT TON of amazing music. My ears were ecstatic this year. OH! And I saw WEEZY in concert!!! :3

I finally caved and started playing World of Warcraft... and I haven't offed myself in shame, because it's awesome. I'm enjoying myself. And I made some new friends that also play WoW that are pretty neat as well.


And that, my friends, was my year.
As you can see, it was pretty much a DUD.
Here's to 2010 being INTENSELY more satisfying.


Now Playing: Pearl Jam - Even Flow


You'll shoot your eye out!

Ahh, a Christmas Day spent watching "A Christmas Story" is a Christmas Day well spent, in my eyes.

Not much to report since there's been nothing going on. But I will say this: We should all be thankful for the simple things in life. A roof over our heads... Family and friends... Lips that aren't suffering from a horrible allergic reaction...

Alright, that last one was a little personal. But omfg... You have no idea what this feels like. Never again shall I use softlips. This is torture. Bleh. And it's not even like anyone can SEE the little bumpies that I've got. They're blending into the color of my lips. HOWEVER, I'm self conscious about them. And aside from that, they're SO uncomfortable. D: It's calm down a bit from last night... My hopes are that tomorrow they'll be gone.

OH! And speaking of tomorrow! I'm gettin my glasses tomorrow!!!! :D FINALLY! I can rejoin the world of those with vision! This is probably the weirdest thing I've ever been excited about. /shrug.

Anyway... With that last pathetic note, I bid thee adieu.

Hope everyone's holiday was wonderful!
Who am I kidding? No one reads this. LOL.

Your faithful HoHoHoe,
♥ Laurasaur


Can't believe I almost forgot to post this!

This afternoon I made my own stop motion animation thingermabobber. I'm fairly impressed by it, because I wasn't sure if I'd actually be able to pull it off. But I did! Even if it is a bit messy. Oh wells! Um... Here ya go! :)



Yay for Christmastime fun. Went to the Annual Christmas Eve Get-Together with the Focker Family... Lots of fun. Except I didn't feel good at the end, and left early. Bleh.

I don't really have much to say right now.

Aside from saying DAMN YOU to the Softlips chapstick brand. Totes gave me an allergic reaction. Boo. :(

Oh, it's 12:03.
It's officially Christmas Day.
Technically. :P

Merry Christmas, lovies.

<3Lore-uhh-saur. :)


Fuck You Nassau, I'm not coming back.

So, I went on Banner last night to check my schedule and find out what day in January the Spring semester starts. Only I couldn't get to my schedule because it says I have a financial hold on my account. A financial hold. Makes NO FUCKING SENSE, since I have been receiving Financial Aid since Fall 2008. So I call up the Bursars office this morning, and was put on hold for 15 minutes before being hung up on by some cunt named Karen? Maybe Diane? Some generic douche-nozzle name. So, I call back, and after 25 minutes of conversation regarding my status as a student, being put on hold, and listening to her huff and puff as she navigated through the Banner system like only a blind man in a maze would... I get THIS shit dropped on me. Apparently during the Fall 2008 semester, my Pell went through late and I had to pay for school. I got reimbursed though. But here's the clincher. They sent me about $400 too much. Okay, fine. Now she tells me that I owe the entire sum of Fall 2009's tuition AS WELL AS tuition for Spring 2010. AND THEN she says there's nothing SHE can do for me (fucking DUH.) so she proceeds to tell me she'll be transferring my call to the Financial Aid department. She ends up transferring me to the BIOLOGY departments snide troll receptionist, who then transfers my call to the snot at the Info Kiosk. I finally get my call sent to the Financial Aid department... and the fucking place is busy all god damned day. Awesome.

So now, on top of having to write to the Dean of Students about my medical withdrawal, I also have to appeal to the President's refund committee, so that I am not held responsible for paying for this past semester, seeing as I was not able to complete it because of the bullshit that went on with my ankle. EXCELLENT. Another cluster-fuck of people not being able to tell me exactly what I've got to do to make things right. So excited.

I've reached my breaking point. I'm SO sick of the bullshit at NCC. It's not worth the wasted time or the wasted energy spent being pissed off. I will NOT be returning to that school as a student. The next time I'm on that campus will be to do 2 things:
1. Request my transcript for transfer to another college.
2. Cunt-punt Karen/Diane/Dickbutt so hard her head pops off.

And with that, I'm done bitching out Nassau. Though, considering the next few steps... this won't be the last you'll hear from me on the subject of good old NCC.

Peace, Rainbows and all that other happy bullshit.


Nice Work, Bone Daddy.

Holy balls, did it snow. I didn't bother to post pics of the snow because there really isn't much you can see in terms of depth, from the top of my tower... But according to Samantha, it was knee deep. Which put into terms of Lauren's height? The plow piles are WAY taller than me. Dayum. Lots of snow.


Went to the Bone Doc today... Got there 15 minutes early, got in 15 minutes late, got seen at about 4:50. Almost an hour of wasted time. BUT Bone Daddy says: My ankle looks amazing considering the bolt that's in place.

Also, he explained the surgery for me. It's REALLY not that invasive. Basically, I'll go to NSLIJ @ Glen Cove Hospital and do all my pre-screens, then when it's time, he'll HEAVILY sedate me, and use local anesthetic on the skin so that I don't feel shit. Using a fluoroscope (high intensity, instant x-ray) he'll make a small incision (about the width of a dime) and take the bolt out. He said I'll be in pain for a bit because of the bolt running through scar tissue and what-not (I'm getting percs!) but that within a week I'll be walking and fully functioning. (aka: Not attending dance classes, tyvm.)

And with that... It seems I have nothing more to say.

OH! Nothing, except for Wednesday being the 2nd Annual United Nations Christmas Party. Last year, Italy hosted, and it's rumored that this year Poland is hosting. Looks like it will be a success! Can't wait! :D

Now Playing: Headhunterz - My Name Is


My sources say, "The road is clear and all street signs point the way."

Are you gonna stand around til 2012 AD?
What are you waiting for,
A certain shade of green?
I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate.
What are you waiting for
A certain shade of green?

It's gonna snow a shitload tomorrow. Liiiike blizzard style. AWESOME! Eh, I'm not bitching. Not like I'm expected to go out in it anyway. I'm probably just gonna spend the day attempting to bake. Y'know how I roll.

Anyway! I want this:
Like really really REALLY effing badly.

It's the Sanyo Xacti CG10. 10.0 MP of pure sex. Hi Def video, 3" LCD screen, high quality audio, rechargable litho-ion battery, USB pictbridge direct transfer enabled... BASICALLY the video makers wet dream. In an affordable, aesthetically pleasing package. :) (It was also used in a few youtube campaigns.)

I know there's no chance in hell that I'm gonna get this for Christmas or anything so I'm just gonna save up for it myself. It'll be more gratifying when I buy it myself. Plus, it's really inexpensive, so I won't have to save up for it for like a bagillion years. It's ballin.

...In other news, I asked my mom for a new pair of glasses for Christmas this year. I lost mine back in liiike September or something and I've been going without ever since. Awesome.

Bleh, not much more to say.


ps: This song is absolutely amazing.

Now Playing: Incubus - Certain Shade of Green


According To You

So, the year 2009 as a whole, has been a complete shit-gasm. To paint the perfect picture of what my year has been like, I'll simply show you this picture:

The Year 2009

Anyway, my point in writing is not to officially bitch out 2009. (I'll save that for an update closer to the end of the year. P:) I just felt like sharing this song by Orianthi, called "According To You." I'm gonna catch shit about this from Sam, because I REFUSED to listen to this song at first because of who I associated it with. (Think.) But here's the song, and I'll post some of the lyrics because I like those too. :P

According to you I'm stupid, I'm useless.
I can't do anything right.
According to you I'm difficult, hard to please,
Forever changing my mind.
I'm a mess in a dress, can't show up on time
Even if it would save my life.
According to you, according to you.

But according to him I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head
According to him I'm funny, irresistable.
Everything he ever wanted.
Everything is opposite.
I don't feel like stopping it.
So baby tell me what I got to lose?
He's into me for everything I'm not...
According to you.

I like that song a lot.
Just sayin.

~Lauren la Puta Del Diablo <3>


List-ism #1: Annoyances

I just read something in my old journal, that reminded me how much I like writing lists. SO WITHOUT DELAY, I PRESENT TO YOU...!:

Lauren's List of Annoyances
(this goes well beyond the obvious "lying, cheating, stealing" thing.)

1. When my mom gets cold in the middle of the night and then turns the heat on.
My room, being as small as it is, heats up VERY quickly. So when she jacks the heat up to like 75 in the middle of the night, I wake up feeling like I just ran 3 miles through the deserts of Kenya. Parched, sweaty, and pissed off.

2. People who try to carry out online conversations without actually saying anything.
It's kind of hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn't contribute. They'll say 'What's up?' And you'll go on to tell them just exactly what IS up, and they either DON'T reply, reply 6 years later, or you get an "lol". It's much like carrying on a conversation with a brick wall. /facepalm Point is, don't talk to me unless you're going to TALK to me. End of discussion.

3. When YouTube videos take FOREVER to buffer.
I could go on FOREVER about this, but I'll keep it short and sweet. I know my internet speed is THE SHIT, and my computer is THE SHIT. Why in Kurt's name is it taking this SHIT forever to load?! No bueno, YouTube.

4. Being Ignored For No Good Reason.
Well, let me rephrase that. There very well may BE a reason for the ignoring going on, and that's all well and good, but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK, don't keep me on the outside of the issue. You're annoyed at me? Tell me, so I can clean up MY fucking act enough to resolve the problem. Don't just ignore me, because what THAT does is piss me off, and chances are you'll get more 'bad behavior' from me. ...Just sayin.

5. People Who Don't Shut The Fuck Up....... Ever.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely love talking. Maybe I just like the sound of my own voice. Theories abound on that one, but my point is, I looove to talk. HOWEVER, there comes a point in every Scandinavian man's life, when he just has to drawn the line. Let me be more specific. I love talking, in that, I love having conversations. When a conversation lulls, the silence is often where you consider what you've just heard, and are thinking of other things to say. Or, just enjoying the silence. Please, please, PLEASE... Don't be the fucker that babbles through the silence with pointless, ineffectual bullshit. Pretty please? :)

6. People Who Waste Space at NCC
I'm really sick of going to register for a class, only to find out that it's full, when I know that at LEAST 4 of the people in that class, are only registered for it so they can remain a full-time student and thus remain on their parent's insurance. Also, I'm not being too bold in saying that a good 75% of the population at NCC are wasting the air that they breathe, because from the way they act, it's QUITE obvious that the air isn't making it to their brains. (Seriously, Eddie will back me on this.)

7. Seeing That One Random Person From High School, Everywhere.
Do I even have to elaborate on this one? I'll be short. I graduated three years ago, and the fact that I'm still living in Glen Cove depresses me. Glen Cove has a HUGE population. Why the FUCK do I see the same people everywhere?

8. How Small The City of Glen Cove Really Is.
It is for this reason, that occurances like #7 happen ALL THE TIME.

9. People Who See My Aunt Out & About, and Tell Me About It.
"Oh, hey Laur! I saw your Aunt walking to Rising Tides the other day, while I was driving." ...Um. Yeah? Your point? This is going to sound mean, but I don't give a rat's taint where the fuck she was, and what she was doing. I DONT CARE. Truthfully, my aunt could have her own section on this particular post about how she annoys me. Shit, she could have an entire blog dedicated to how she annoys and embarrasses me. So, let me put the kabbash on this problem, once and for all: You see her somewhere? Keep it to yourself, I'm not interested.

10. Writer's Block. Also, Artist's Block.
Nothing sucks more than having an idea in your head for what you're going to draw or write, and then not being able to get it onto the paper the right way. And when writer's/artist's block hits me, it hits hard. I'll retire to my bedroom, claiming to be writing or drawing, and you'll find me six hours later, nothing written, and playing WoW or something else.

<3 Ell Vee

Now Playing: Norma Jean - Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste



I'm happier lately.

OH! And I played last night for 6 hours. And I'm not a mindless WoW drone. HAH! I've just proven myself wrong, and given myself the justification for wanting to continue to play after my trial is up. Plus, it's a lot more fun for me now, because of that Vent thing Eddie had me install. Him and his friends are pretty nice/funny.

PS: I think it's pretty funny that my username is Destery. Bahaha, of all the names in the world. :]

Oh, and it was snowing last night at like 1 or 2 in the morning. I was VERY upset. But I woke up and it was all melted this morning so I'm happy again. ^_^;;

I'm not being a priss about the snow either, I just think that it'd be REALLY supafly awesome of Mother Nature to hold off on the dumping of the white stuff (that sounds bad... I'm leaving it. haha) until I'm able to walk again. I know how difficult it is to crutch around in the rain, and I DONT want to learn how to do it in the snow. (Again, that sounded bad.)

Um... I woke up like half an hour ago.
Imma go NOM.

-Laur. <3


Oh god. Get me off of my computer.


lauren elizabeth

may 7

glen cove. wah-wah!

Current Location:
glen cove.

Eye Color:

Hair Color:
black. and dirty blonde roots. i need hair dye NOW.

5'4" and 3/4ths.

Right Handed or Left Handed:

Your Heritage:
50% mainly german and 50% puerto rican.

The Shoes You Wore Today:
i haven't had shoes on.

Your Weakness:
boys, frozen yogurt, proper grammar, hot chocolate from D&D

Your Fears:
cancer, falling

Your Perfect Pizza:
buffchix lol

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
09 is over and it's been shit. but for 2010? get outta nassau, get my CNA, get a job at GCCNR, get myself a car, get accepted into the Molloy nursing program... I think that's enough for now.

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:
definitely WTF. then any variant of lol, omfg, stfu and gtfo. OH. i should probably mention my blatant over use of the phrase "Seriously? Seriously."

Thoughts First Waking Up:
"No fucking WAY."

Your Best Physical Feature:
my freckle patch.

Your Bedtime:
whenever i get sleepy -- typically around 2 or 3 in the morning

Your Most Missed Memory:
feeling wanted

Pepsi or Coke:

McDonalds or Burger King:
i hate BK, but mc donalds isnt much better, except for their nuggets. omfg o__o; mc d's nuggets are lifeblood.

Single or Group Dates?
i don't think i've ever been on a real date

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:

Chocolate or Vanilla:
this makes me want ice cream. right now. idc what kind. give! nao!

Cappuccino or Coffee:
cappuccino with extra foam or iced coffee, im not picky. =]

Do you Smoke:

Do you Swear:
like a sailor.

Do you Sing:
like, all the time!

Do you Shower Daily:
at least once.

Have you Been in Love:
i was once.

Do you want to go to College:
technically, i'm in college right now. but um. im not because im broken. /sigh

Do you want to get Married:
eventually, it'd be nice

Do you want kids:
yeah, that too would be nice, i 'spose.

Do you belive in yourself:
not really. i probably should do that more.

Do you get Motion Sickness:

Do you think you are Attractive:
double negative. no, wait, that means affirmative. no, im not.

Are you a Health Freak:
oh yes......... sikee.

Do you get along with your Parents:
mom, yeah, mostly.

Do you like Thunderstorms:
not when they wake me up from a perfectly decent slumber

Do you play an Instrument:
i whine. does that count?

In the past month have you Smoked:

In the past month have you been on Drugs:
silly. no.

In the past month have you gone on a Date:
harsh, no.

In the past month have you gone to a Mall:
no. =[

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:
no, but now that you say it, the prospect seems deightful. i don't plan on it.

In the past month have you eaten Sushi:
fuck you. =[

In the past month have you been on Stage:

In the past month have you been Dumped:
can't get dumped when you're single.

In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:
It's winter. Que loco!

In the past month have you Stolen Anything:

Ever been Drunk:
Si, senor.

Ever been called a Tease:
Yeah. Bullshitt.

Ever been Beaten up:
Not on a serious level.

Ever Shoplifted:

How do you want to Die:
um.... don't wanna think about it. :D

What do you want to be when you Grow Up:

What country would you most like to Visit:

In a Boy/Girl..

Favourite Eye Color:
i don't really care.

Favourite Hair Color:
green. :P kidding. um, idc really.

Short or Long Hair:
doesn't matter. not TOO long though.

taller than me.

dont care.

Best Clothing Style:
are people really this materialistic? doesn't matter to me, as long as he isn't a TOTAL scrub.

Number of Drugs I have taken:

Number of CDs I own:
too many

Number of Piercings:

Number of things in my Past I Regret:
if i sat here and listed them all, you would be dead from natural causes before i finished.

oh, i love this song. :3
Now playing: Bloc Party - Flux
via FoxyTunes


I'm smart.

I figure, if I'm gonna have to keep telling doctors exactly what it is I did to myself, I might as well know what the MEDICAL name of everything is. So I did some reasearch... And the real names of what I did to myself are as follows:

1. Trimalleolar fracture (L) treated with surgical incision of a 7 in' plate and 5 screws to stabilize ankle.

2. Tibiofibular Fracture-Diastasis (L) treated with surgical incision of transsyndesmotic bolt.



Update from Lauren-Land:

1. Cast is off! No, don't start partying yet... I'm still not allowed to walk because of the screw that's currently holding my tibia and fibula together. The screw is acting as the ligament that would have been there if it hadn't been torn all to hell when I broke my ankle. (I really did a number on myself.) If I were to break the screw, and have the break occur in-between my tibia and fibula... Well, I'd have ANOTHER surgery, where Doc would have to drill a freaking hole straight THROUGH my fibula, to retrieve the second half of the tib-fib screw. Mm, tasty, right? Sooo, it's been decided for me, that to eliminate the risk, I'm going to be 100% Compliance Patient -- so that when I FINALLY have the effing tib-fib screw removed, it won't be in pieces, AND as an added bonus, I'll be able to walk again. VICTORIOUS!

2. My mood? Eh, well, I'll say this... I've been experiencing some high's and low's lately. Don't worry, I'm not going crazy. It's just being cooped up at home like this, I get frustrated easily. Also, it's kind of lonely over here. Mom is 2 weeks post-op, and already going into work to do filing for a few hours each day and make extra money, til she can go back to work Full Time. I'm jealous. I want nothing more than to work. I'd file EVERY DAY for like 12 hours if I could right now. I hate being bored like this. Haha.

3. Oh, and my boredom?! LOL... Boredom does funny things to you. Like, this new game I've started playing. Except it's not new at all. I've been complaining about it since my junior year of High School. I've spent quite a bit of time hating the game, and chastising my friends who played it. Ugh... And now? Now I'm playing World of Warcraft. -facepalm- I know, I know. I actually like it, and it's keeping me entertained while I'm on medical house arrest. So while I'm on the 10 day trial right now, I find it VERY hard to believe that I WONT be eventually paying for this game. UNDEAD WARRIOR, what whaaat? -sigh- Yeah, I just said that.

4. FINALLY! This year is almost fucking over. Thank god, I can't stand it anymore. This has been, by far, the worst year of my life. I want it gone and over with. 2010 couldn't come sooner. I need something good to look forward to.

Anyway, I think that's all I had to say.


PS: OH, crap. I forgot to mention... I'm currently obsessed with Lady Gaga. -sigh- Yeah, that really happened. BUT COME ON, SHE'S FABULOUS!

Now playing: Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
via FoxyTunes