
My Life, According to Ani.

"It seems that different people have an idea of what I am, and what I should be. And then there's me."
-Ani DiFranco

That about sums it up.


Fuck this year, already.

2010 better step it's fucking game up.

Things that make me happy in 2010
- Walking.
- World of Warcraft.
- Seeing my friends & family.

Things that make me irate in 2010
- Asshole insurance companies.
- Rude people that work for NCC.
- NCC as a whole.
- The fact that this ankle business is STILL not done with.
- Lack of 2nd job.
- Douche bags.
- Not getting to go to see Lady Gaga because of the ankle business.
- Being stressed out over all of the above.

When is this shit gonna be over?


Dream Amnesia: Cured.

I've been having dreams about Underbog for the past like... 2 or 3 nights. I have to say, it's quite enjoyable.

Got my stitches out today. I'm basically DONE being broken. PT starts back up on Thursday. Woooooosh.

That's all for now.



Dream Amnesia?!? AI Viewership?!? SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!

I haven't had a dream in weeks. That's not to say I haven't dreamt... I just haven't remembered any of them. That's strange. For me, anyway. If you know me at all, you know I always have these crazy freak ass dreams, that make you think 'what the fuck did she take before she went to sleep?' ... but not lately. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda disappointed. :( Oh well, hopefully this dream amnesia doesn't last long.

So, I've taken to watching American Idol this season. I know right? Never thought I'd see the day where I was actually excited for AI. Putting aside the smug reason I'm watching the show, I'm actually kind of enjoying it. I mean, the first few episodes are the auditions, and who can resist watching these horrific Hollywood hopefuls have their dreams crushed by the AI panel?-- who's to say I won't grow tired of Simon and his snarky remarks? (Alright, I didn't buy it either. Bring on the snark!!) I guess we'll see as the show progresses, how interested or disinterested I become with the whole thing.

Oh, and enjoy this. I know I did.

<3 Laurasaur


I was productive today!

I woke up this morning like someone had lit a fire under my ass. I don't know why, but I was COMPELLED to clean. And clean I did. Got my laundry figured out, changed my sheets, organized all the crap I've got, did a bit of decorating... And blah. I'm extremely tired now. I should say that I was in bed at like 9pm, fell asleep for a few hours, woke up, tried to go back to sleep and couldn't. So I played some WoW. /sigh

OH! And I saw miss Emily today. It was great times, catching up on our lives. I misseded her.

So um, not much to say, I think I'm gonna get some sleep, finally.



What's that thing called? Walking?!

I can walk!
...Well, sort of. Sometimes it hurts and I have to sit down and elevate my foot. Also, I've got a weird gait pattern. /sigh. BUT! I'm getting there! After about 3 months of no/limited mobility I CAN KINDA, SORTA MOVE AROUND ON MY OWN.

Surgery was yesterday. I could tell you the whole story, complete with me waking up and being disoriented for an hour after surgery -- but I'll spare you the boring details. It wasn't even that painful when I woke up. It felt like growing pains, and now the only hurt I've got is the stitches and the wound. Everything else feels fine. :) Yay!

I get to go back to work at the boys and girls club on the 25th && I'm starting at Red Mango, prolly sooner than that. Still gotta talk to Christian.

Life is good.
Imma go play some WoW now.
Lata gataz.


Now Playing: Green Day - Viva La Gloria!


I'm so official, all I need is a whistle.

Um... hai.

In terms of today:

+ Got a bomb ass coat from Sami today. Also gotz a pretty scarf/gloves set from Target. /sigh I loves that place.
+ Signs of life on KatDennings.com! Alright, I lurk the FUCK out of her twitter, but she posted a pic on KD and it was a shop of her and Christopher Walken. This makes me happy because it just confirms YET ANOTHER reason why we should be bff.
- I get really pissy when people wake me up from a perfectly good nap. I get even pissier when people I don't like wake me up. GRRRRR.
+/- Surgery in like 3 days. I'm excited but kinda nervous.
+ I just dinged 50 on Destery in WoW. :D [/nerd]

kay bai.

<3 Laurasaur.

Now Playing: Dark Oscillators - Nasty Jungle


Go ahead and hate the world girl, you earned the right.

5 days til surgery. w00t.

Happy fuckin' New Year

<3 Your friendly neighborhood Laurasaur

Now Playing: Atmosphere - Dreamer