
It doesn't feel like Christmas. Not at all.

So, it's finally Christmas Eve. I've retired to my room, to hide from the Christmas music that I've been tortured with for the past month, and because that stupid Mariah Carey song (ok I won't lie, I love her.) came on. You know the one, where she's all like "All I want for Christmas is YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" in that really high pitched voice that she always does? The one that all the lonely girls (I've done it before too, shutup) put in their AIM profiles during Christmas time? Yeah, that one. Well it just occured to me... that very song could be directly applied to my life. Which is odd. But the cool thing is that I'm actually getting my wish. He'll be here on Saturday. And I'm still freaking out. Wow.

Last night was Sam's Christmas party. Quite a bit of fun. Lots of stupid pictures were taken. Lots of rude jokes were made... mostly by me. I actually had a great time. Sam made an awesome dinner, and was neurotic about her table settings, and I was rude back to her, and told her that her kids would be annorexics as teens because they had such a compulsive, controll freak mother. Haha. It's all good, she knows I'm kidding. I felt so at ease last night just hanging out with those idiots and leading the retard exhibition. I felt bad for Marge who was upstairs and probably had her head in a pillow, screaming for us to shut the fuck up. Haha. Oh wells.

It doesn't even feel like Christmas Time. It's rainy and ugly outside. Boo. It's the 24th though, and tonight is the Patino family Christmas Extravaganza that always ends with a story or 15. (Maybe this year we'll succeed at getting Aunt Nan drunk again!) I'm just really excited to watch A Christmas Story. Then when we come home, I'm pretty sure Mom and I are gonna set up my Wii, FINALLY -- and stay up for hours upon hours playing that. =) I'm excited.

Anyway. I'll take pictures of the event. Later skater.

Now playing: Pussycat Dolls - I Hate This Part
via FoxyTunes


Gentlewoman Corpse.

I'm taking my last final tomorrow, and then I'll be done with this cunt of a semester. Hopefully I didn't fuck it up so badly. I guess I'll post my grades tomorrow, when I find out the good/bad news. -le sigh- Of course when I got home today, the bill for Spring 09 was on the kitchen table. Which of course, sent me into a bitch fit. Fuck, I really hate money. And college. But mostly the money, because college is actually kind of fun. Except for certain fuck-bag professors making certain fuck-bag classes suck a big bag-o-fuck. (Heh, go me.)

Cory will be here very soon. Within days. Which is so super-duper exciting. And scary at the same time. He's gonna be here, and be like, "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you." And run screaming in the other direction. That, or he'll be so very content and zen about being here. Oh Kurt, I hope it's the second option. I want him to want to be here. If that makes any sense.

I've been drawing octopus tentacles all day. The silly Wormwood comic book gave me the idea. I want to be a gentleman corpse. Or rather, a gentlewoman corpse. That would be interesting. Except for the whole worm thing coming out of my eye and speaking for me.

I want to be an octopus for a day.
With zebra stripes and a mohawk.

God damn it, I'm weird.

Now playing: Ludo - Love Me Dead
via FoxyTunes


Well now... That was thoroughly embarassing.

I just looked at all 5 million of my old blogs. Oii. How embarassing. Seriously, the shit I found to complain about was ridiculous. I was extremely over-dramatic about the Gordon Duck love-story thing, and I went off on the most pointless tangents. AND!!!! I swear to Kurt, if I could go back in time and slap the shit out of my 13 year old self for using the word "sexxie" (spelled just like that) -- Oh, I totally would.

I made a FaceInHole album today. There's some seriously funny shit going on there.

I'm sort of sick again. I have this annoying cough-thing going on. What did I get? Like two days of health? -le sigh-

I should be in bed. I'm yawning every 2 seconds, and I have to be up at 5 am tomorrow morning for the usual school bullshit. Grawr. No matter how good it looks on paper; 7 am classes are just a baaaaad idea. I'm not even sure how I'm making it through this semester... Hopefully my grades aren't too shitty. -shrug-

I need hugs.
Everything makes me tired.
I want a graham cracker. :O
Cory makes me smile an awful lot.

Do I make you tired?

Now playing: Nirvana - Breed
via FoxyTunes


Hey, hey, guess what!

Cory gets here on the 27th.
(Major celebration, mixed in with major anxiety.)
I'm thoroughly excited though.


Seriously, who would have thought after all this... that we'd be where we are now? I definitely didn't see it. Just, wow. That's all I really have to say. And this is extremely over-due, but I owe Katie major thanks because if it weren't for her showing me something online 2 years ago... None of this would have happened.


Went shopping with Mom today. She bought me the Wii for Christmas. Major yay. I didn't really expect anything huge from her, because for the past couple of years money has been tight around the house, especially during the holidays. And I only really asked for the Wii as a joke the other night, even though I knew having one would be tremendously awesome... but I guess she felt like being really really really nice. I'm not even gonna go into how much money she ended up spending. After that, we went to Wal-Marx and it was hellish. So. Many. People. Ugh. -headdesk- Everyone moving at the pace of snails, with no sense to the movement pattern. Basically, just a humongous cluster-fuck of retard shoppers and screaming babies. -headdeskheaddeskheaddesk- But! I did happen to get a pretty sweet knit-hat, which was pretty exciting. I mean it's nothing especially thrilling, but I've wanted one for a while. So that was nice.

Anyway... It's damn near 4 in the moring, and I should be asleep right now. Mom and I, along with Sam and NitNit are going to the Shamrock Christmas Tree farm in fucking Mattituck. -sigh- I have to be up by at least 9, so I can be ready for this extravaganza. Which should be somewhat fun... but still. Fuck that's early to be awake and attempting social interaction. (This coming from the one who wakes up at 5 on weekdays... heh) Anyway. I'll take pictures tomorrow and maybe post some when I write tomorrow.

Oh! And it snowed tonight. It was only supposed to be a half-inch... but you know how amazing the weather men are... Haha. It looks pretty. I'll take some pictures of the first real snow-fall too, tomorrow morning as we embark on our two-hour long journey to the tree-farm.

The Super Saiyan Zebra is pleased with her life at the moment.
-deafening applause-

Time to go catch some y's. :)


Of course I wrote that last night, and immediately felt shitty again. Eh, nothing a good nyquil-coma can't cure.

I'm writing to declare that there are only 15 more days of class this semester. Mother of fuck... too many. D:

It's 7:15 and I feel sick to my stomach.
Kristen should be here soon.



This is life, right? Things go well. Things go horribly. You feel good, eventually... you feel shitty again. But oh! Eventually, you feel good again. What I'm saying is that what goes up must come down; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; and that when life gives you lemons... make some lemonchello and get drunk off your ass to ignore the pain. ...I'm kidding. The adage says to make some lemonade and get over it. You'll be fine. And I know, I'm really preaching to the choir with this one, but for as bad as I think I've got it sometimes... Well, fuck... I've got it pretty damn good.

Lately, I've been pretty down on myself. For whatever reason, I felt inadequate. I wasn't good enough, and I wasn't worth peoples time. I felt like I didn't deserve praise and like trying harder for it was an uphill battle because there would always be someone better than me at whatever it was I was trying to do. School felt tedious because I felt stupid and like it was a waste of my time to be there. I never really told anyone about anything because then I'd really be pathetic. Just bitching about my lame life made me lower than I already was. Why even bother?

So, as I hope you know, when your body is under a significant amount of stress... your body becomes taxed as well. Your immune system lets up it's guard. You're susceptible to getting sick... and I did. Oh, did I get sick. I mean, it wasn't anything life threatening, and it definitely wasn't the worst cold I've ever had... But the sickness and the stress just piled up on me and I did the only thing I could do. Sleep. I slept quite a bit. But as sick as I was feeling, I started to feel a little better because of the love I was getting from some pretty special people in my life. I seriously believe that if it weren't for Cory and Sam, I would probably STILL be sick.

The whole time I was sick, Sam would check up on me. See how I was feeling, see if I wanted to do anything, invited me and Nit to have dinner with her and Nort, dealt with me being a moody sick person. And as much as I want to beat the living shit out of her sometimes... I wouldn't be able to do half the shit I do without her. I've been through basically everything with this bitch, and I'm damn sure we'll always be up each other's asses. Couldn't ask for a better cousin. So yeah, if you end up reading this -- GOOSE LOVES YOU, FEETA!

And Cory. Well. I could go on and on about how amazing he is, and how much I love him for being him, and blah blah blah... but I'm just a zebra... And honestly, however long this blog lasts -- there will probably be about 600 more entries about just that. Because he is just that amazing, and --oh, damn. There I go again. Oops! :) Thing is, he deserves it, and doesn't realize that he does. Which is kind of a bummer, but I'm working on it! ANEHWAY, he deals with some crazy shit from me. (Including me being doped up on nyquil and alleging that I was a zebra for an entire hour before I passed out.) He's amazing, and I love him. Very much.

But yeah. The whole point of this long winded "rant" on absolutely nothing, is that why be down, when you have some amazing people around you? And the amazing-ness doesn't stop with Sam and Cory. I have got some other AMAZING friends. People that will support me, and make me feel good about myself no matter what. Sometimes, I lose sight of that... But they're always there for me -- when things are amazing, and especially when they're shitty. I mean... this is life, right? Yeah, and I've got it pretty damn good.

Okay, that was really gay. I've been reading too many Jodi Picoult books. :/

Cory's coming to stay with us after Christmas. I'm excited and terrified, because this means he's gonna have to meet at least SOME of my family. Fuuuck. Oh well. The excitement is overruling the terror, at least for now. Haha.

Kay, I'm done.