
How the internet ruined our lives.

I was talking to Amanda about this the other day, but I figured I'd blog on it too, since it's a decent topic. I think I totally resent the day and age we live in. Technology rules everything. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Everyone has a cell phone. Everyone has a computer at home. More and more people have laptops, which allow you to bring your computer EVERYWHERE with you. The companies are even making the laptops smaller and lighter, as to reduce the so very strenuous task of carrying the fucking thing from place to place. Everything is automated. People are getting lazy. No one meets in person anymore. Not with sites like myspace, facebook, myyearbook, friendster... Ad infinitum, ad nauseum. You get my point. And with this video chat thing we've got going on now? Skypeing, iChatting, and ooVoo-ing will eventually take over the idea of "meeting up and talking." Now the talking? THIS is the part that bugs me the most. People don't talk anymore. We text. Across country, across a building, across the room from eachother? Honestly people, what the fuck is going on? Get your ass up, build up some courage, and SAY what the fuck you're thinking. It's more convenient, maybe -- but our linguistic skills, as well as our grammar; are taking serious hits from this. "Facebook me!" has become the new way of saying "Call me!" People don't even introduce themselves to other people anymore! This is how far the digital-mindfuck goes. I notice at Nassau, that people who are simply trying to make friendly conversation with other people usually get "the look" (You know the one I'm talking about. The 'Oh my god, is this creeper really talking to me?'-look.) and then they get laughed about behind their backs. It's kind of (read: REALLY) fucked up. I know of a couple who met in a public place (le gasp!) and built their relationship up over a series of mid-day visits, meaningful conversations, and actual social interaction. Trouble is, that couple met somewhere around 10 years ago. No texting, less email, more face-to-face. And as for the state of their relationship? 10 years, still going strong.

...Look, I'm not saying I'm above the technology. In fact, I rely upon it as much as the next person. I mean, hello? I'm sitting here writing a blog for fucks sake. What I'm saying is that I hate technology for what it's made the world into. Sure, we've got excellent blackberry connections, but our social skills are shit. I long for a world like the 90's. Even the 80's. Any time before technology came in like Godzilla and destroyed all the old traditions under it's huge, over prices, mp3 enhanced sneakers.

I've spoken my peace.


1 comment:

GingerBread said...

This is so very true.

Quality time is always needed for a relationship.

Thats why I get mad when people cancel plans..