

It's been a while and I have a lot on mind, so I thought I'd blog a bit before I went nuts from over-thinking, re-thinking, and over-thinking some more.

Last time I bloggededed I wrote that the boys were leaving for college soon. Well... They're gone. Anthony is officially a Rat at VMI, Dillon's chilling with a bunch of REALLY smart people over at Case who apparently LAIR (like in Role Models), and Mikey... well, to be honest, idk what the fuck Mikey's doing. So they're gone and Kristen & Chris are in fucking Lake George for the weekend. Amanda, Andrew, David, and Tara were in Jersey all week. And Pat and Cait went to Hershey for the weekend. Basically ALL my friends are gone. That is, except for Sammi. We've been indulging in long winded shopping trips and RED MANGO (which is my new obsession), and laughing at asshole drivers. It's been a blastie. But I've been spending more time at home than I'd like to be doing. I hate being alone. I hate not having anyone to do stuff with. I miss my friends.... My ridiculous, crazy, inappropriate at times, funny as fuck, REALLY INAPPROPRIATE, no holds barred, amazingly wonderful friends. -le sigh-

But hey! In September (the 5th to be exact) I'm driving down to VA with Kristen and Anthony's mom, to go visit Anthony at VMI. It's the parents weekend, and apparently we're allowed to come hang out with him for the day and have lunch/dinner with him. It's strange how much I miss Anthony. I mean, I miss him, duh. And I know why. I'm used to seeing him every effing day... He, Kristen and I did basically everything we could together. Aaaand now I havent spoken to him in what feels like days, even though it's only been like... 2. I just hope that VMI doesn't change him or anything. Cause that would suck... Majorly.

I've been getting into some seriously suspect music. Lots of electronic stuff. Or, rather, poppy stuff with electronic sensibilities. Bands such as: Owl City, Swimming With Dolphins (the Owl City side project), Metro Station (but not rly), Blood On The Dance Floor, Breathe Carolina, MILLIONAIRES (even though I kinda hate them), LMFAO, Brokencyde, Cash Cash, Kill Paradise... stuff like that. I IMPLORE YOU TO CHECK THIS STUFF OUT. I even went through the trouble of linking all this shit. SO DO IT. I mean, yeah... Some of it is kinda trashhhhhy... But Owl City and Swimming With Dolphins is pretty legit. OH, and PLEASE check out this Justin Beiber kid. He's like... what? Twelve. And he's got one of the cutest (yet heartfelt and danceable) songs I've heard in a LONG time. And like, you kinda can, but CAN'T tell that he's like... three years old and singing about love. Idk, can't explain it! You gotta listen to it.

OH BY THE WAY. I found a new youtuber to get all crazy over. Destery of DesandNate. Well, I mean Nate is way cute too. I like the way he kinda has a lopsided smile, and talks outta the corner of his mouth. Ez cute. :) Buuuut DESTERY... omg. I feel like I know this kid. He makes weird noises like I do. Like the weird/annoying raptor noise I make... he makes. I think he does it better too, but omfg. Haha. He's funny. I have a weird youtube crush on him. Apparently they're old hat though. Everyone knows about them and theres like MAD weird chicks who make tribute videos and shit about them. I mean, they're funny and cute and what not, but they're also people.... just like you and me. Two very cute people. Um.... YEAH. Off topic much? I liked you to their page so you could check them out. But seriously. I wanna be their bff. If they weren't bff with eachother already. I guess. ...Yeah. -awkward turtle- Anyhoo, for some laughs, check out the vids IDEK 7: Christmas Boners and IDEK (Who Took The Cookie: A Word With Nathan 2). Good shit. Much better than Fred. I promise.

I think this is as much blog as I can stand for now.
But there goes my mind... thinking and shit as usual... what the fuck.
God DAMN it.
Time to watch another movie.

Later foo's.

Now playing: Justin Beiber - One Time
via FoxyTunes

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