
Just when you think things can't get any worse...

They do.
Oh... They do.

Soo... I broke my leg. Well, not leg. Ankle. I broke my ankle. In my dance class. At nassau. Yes, the required phys. ed credit that I was only taking because it's REQUIRED of me to graduate. THAT is where I broke my ankle. In dance class at Nassau. Sorry for the repetition, but I need to make sure you understand just how fucking STUPID this all is. This could have been avoided if I wasn't REQUIRED to take a gym credit for graduation. I wouldnt be holed up in my room for the past week, if Nassau Community College wasn't the only college that FORCES you to take a fucking physical education credit. So right now, I'm hating on Nassau. Hating on NCC, hard.

I could go into why shit sucks so much, but honestly, I don't have the energy.
I just hate this SO much.

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