
You put your body in the coffin where you sleep.

Yeah... So, it snowed. Like all effing day. Apparently, the storm we're having right now is the really cold equivalent to a hurricane. Awesome. Also, lightning-snow was rumored. I wish I lived somewhere that I could see the lightning in the snow. I bet it's real pretty. Though I don't get how it could thunder while it's snowing. To my knowledge, thunder/lightning has something to do with the heat and stuff. (Hence all the horrific thunder/lightning storms over the summer.) Of course, I'm under-educated in the realm of meteorology... So what would I know?

Anyway, because of this snow I had to cancel my physical therapy appointment for today. I played WoW instead. (SHOCKED?! ...Yeah, me either.) I also don't have work tomorrow because the North Shore Central School District is closed because of the massive snow-dump we got. That part kinda sucks, cause I could totally use the money from working. Meh.

I dyed my hair today. I love the smell of freshly dyed hair. It's comforting to me for some odd reason.

I've started sketching again. Stupid goofy doodles that aren't much good, in my opinion. It just feels good to put the shit that goes on in my imagination onto paper so that other people can see. Even though, to be honest, I tend to shy away from letting people look at my sketchbook. /shrug.

I love this song/video.

This entry was chock-full of nothingness. And I said I'd be writing more about important stuff... HAH!

<3 Laurasaur

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