
Too weird to live, to rare to die.

I think I'm depressed. And by think, I mean that I'm pretty damn sure I am. And that's not good for all the obvious reasons.

Something's missing in my life. And I'm not gonna pretend like I don't know what it is, because it has become very clear to me in the past few days what my problem is. I want to be wanted. I'm yearning for attention. I've got so much love to give, and no one to give it to. And everyone I think I should give it to, ends up not wanting it, or not being worth the effort. I keep getting screwed over, which sucks on it's own, but then when that happens, I go and do dumb things, like talk to people that I know I probably should stay away from. And then, again, I end up getting hurt -- only this time it's my fault. It's a vicious circle. This may sound stupid and whiney, but I just want to be loved. (Gah, I sound like a baby.) I know my family loves me, and I know my friends love me, and I'm so thankful for that because I don't know what I'd do without those people in my life... But at the same time, I want something else.

I'm done complaining.
Life could be way worse.

Now playing: Flyleaf - Perfect
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

GingerBread said...

Hey, I know how it can feel. I was actually laying on my bed this morning thinking about how I just want some attention, just from that one special person, you know? Just some quality time. I just want to be loved, thats all. I have so much love to give, but it seems like..I dunno.