
New Direction

i had an epiphany the other day. it was pretty big. make sure you're sitting, and holding onto something. but... I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE. hahaha. i know, right? you're either not surprised at all, or completely shitting yourself with shock. but yeah, i have no clue what i want to do. i'm going on 3 years of college with NO direction. wasting SO much money because i'm indecisive. i just don't want to pick something random and end up hating my life because of it... you know?

i like art, but i know i'm not good enough to make a career out of it.
i like kids, but i'm not patient enough to deal with kids in a classroom setting.
i like the idea of being a doctor, but not the idea of the amount of schooling, and the expense.
i like the idea of being a sign language interpreter, but the training required also requires having a job with flexible hours, which i don't have and probably won't ever have.

what i'm thinking now is JOURNALISM. writing.
obviously, being one of the few people my age who still keeps an effing blog, it's apparent that i LIKE writing. i keep a journal book that i constantly write in. i've always done well in english classes. and when i'm actually TRYING, i'm pretty damn good at writing. so idk, it's something to try out. i could write for a magazine. or a news paper. probably a magazine though... i'm not politically correct enough for a newspaper.... UNLESS I WAS A COLUMNIST. HAHA. That would be wild.

but yeah. idk. i never know. which is sad. but maybe all this trying stuff out will be worth something when i finally find that perfect profession. then i'll be happy. and hopefully making good money. DOUBLE HAPPY! and yeah. we'll see about this Journalism stuff.

i have to pee.


Now playing: Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta
via FoxyTunes

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