
Visit To VMI

Finally got to see Anthony!!

On saturday we (myself, Kristen, and Michelle - Ant's mom) woke up at about 5 am, and were on the road to VMI by 6 am. We made really good time getting there by a little after 1. We got there in time to see the VMI vs. RMU football game, and were looking for Anthony the whole first half of the game. No luck. During half time we went to get drinks or something, and as we're coming down the stands I spotted Anthony and started freaking out a little. HE LOOKS SO GOOD. He hasn't changed MUCH physically, but you could see a difference in his attitude and in the way he holds himself. It made me proud to be his friend. After half time, he was allowed to sit with us. We got all the silly stories and the horror stories. After the game (VMI wins 14-13) we had to go with Michelle to sign Anthony out so he could have dinner with us. We had to walk up the stairs and up these HUGE hills and I thought I was going to DIE. I'm out of shape, obvs. But anyway. After we signed him out, we went to the hotel we were staying at and just chilled. Then we went to dinner with his friend Eric and his family, at this really nice Southern Comfort kinda restaurant. It was maaad good. After that, we just drove around Lexington and checked out the town. Soon after, we dropped him off at the barracks and went back to the hotel.

I passed out soooooo fast. I called mom, and then put my head down for a second and passed out. I had the nuttiest dream though. I was being screamed at by the Cadre at VMI while Anthony, Mikey (yeahright), and Dillon (LOL NO WAI) were standing against a wall straining, watching me get chewed out by the cadre dudes. It was so scary.

Anyway. I'm in the car on my way to New Market (the battle ground) to see the rats do some sort of run down a hill and then get their little arm bandy things, and march in the parade. Should be a good time.

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