
I'm so official, all I need is a whistle.

Um... hai.

In terms of today:

+ Got a bomb ass coat from Sami today. Also gotz a pretty scarf/gloves set from Target. /sigh I loves that place.
+ Signs of life on KatDennings.com! Alright, I lurk the FUCK out of her twitter, but she posted a pic on KD and it was a shop of her and Christopher Walken. This makes me happy because it just confirms YET ANOTHER reason why we should be bff.
- I get really pissy when people wake me up from a perfectly good nap. I get even pissier when people I don't like wake me up. GRRRRR.
+/- Surgery in like 3 days. I'm excited but kinda nervous.
+ I just dinged 50 on Destery in WoW. :D [/nerd]

kay bai.

<3 Laurasaur.

Now Playing: Dark Oscillators - Nasty Jungle

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