
Dream Amnesia?!? AI Viewership?!? SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!

I haven't had a dream in weeks. That's not to say I haven't dreamt... I just haven't remembered any of them. That's strange. For me, anyway. If you know me at all, you know I always have these crazy freak ass dreams, that make you think 'what the fuck did she take before she went to sleep?' ... but not lately. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda disappointed. :( Oh well, hopefully this dream amnesia doesn't last long.

So, I've taken to watching American Idol this season. I know right? Never thought I'd see the day where I was actually excited for AI. Putting aside the smug reason I'm watching the show, I'm actually kind of enjoying it. I mean, the first few episodes are the auditions, and who can resist watching these horrific Hollywood hopefuls have their dreams crushed by the AI panel?-- who's to say I won't grow tired of Simon and his snarky remarks? (Alright, I didn't buy it either. Bring on the snark!!) I guess we'll see as the show progresses, how interested or disinterested I become with the whole thing.

Oh, and enjoy this. I know I did.

<3 Laurasaur

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