
What's that thing called? Walking?!

I can walk!
...Well, sort of. Sometimes it hurts and I have to sit down and elevate my foot. Also, I've got a weird gait pattern. /sigh. BUT! I'm getting there! After about 3 months of no/limited mobility I CAN KINDA, SORTA MOVE AROUND ON MY OWN.

Surgery was yesterday. I could tell you the whole story, complete with me waking up and being disoriented for an hour after surgery -- but I'll spare you the boring details. It wasn't even that painful when I woke up. It felt like growing pains, and now the only hurt I've got is the stitches and the wound. Everything else feels fine. :) Yay!

I get to go back to work at the boys and girls club on the 25th && I'm starting at Red Mango, prolly sooner than that. Still gotta talk to Christian.

Life is good.
Imma go play some WoW now.
Lata gataz.


Now Playing: Green Day - Viva La Gloria!

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