
Don't let our last kiss be our last.

+ The past 4 days have been a blur of laughter, excitement, count downs, headaches, and birth control pills given to men. Of the male persuasion. Manly manly men-mans. HAHA.
+ I've been pleasant this week. Considering I should be PMSing like a mother fucker.
- My back hurts. Bad.
- I have to wake up tomorrow at 5 am.
+ Every day is one day closer to Florida. 67 days!
+ My house now has exercise equipment. I'll be doing that basically every day now.
- I have been getting headaches constantly. I'm thinking it's time to venture to the neurologist. FUCK.
+ I find myself more able to create now, than I was 3 weeks ago. My creative juices are flowing once again, and it's a relief.
+ I'm blessed with the most amazing friends ever.
- I'm SO ready for it to be Spring Break. ...We have 3 weeks left. Mother of Kurt. TOO MUCH TIME BETWEEN NOW AND THEN. Arrgh.
+ I've been listening to Miranda Cosgrove's CD. What the hell, I'm a big enough dork. I can't go back on this now. -dances like teeny bopping 12 year old-

I swear, I'll update for real-for real tomorrow or something. Right now I'm heading to bed.

Now playing: Miranda Cosgrove - About You Now
via FoxyTunes

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