
This town really gets to me.

Lately, I'm noticing there is a lot of dark in my life. There are plenty of reasons for me to be miserable. There's plenty for me to complain about. There's plenty of reasons for me to just give up. I know the old me would have given up by now. The old me wouldn't have given it a second thought, and she would have just regressed to the me who spent all her free time sleeping and avoiding her life. But who I am now... she's got a light inside of her.

I know what you're thinking, "here comes Cornball Laur..." But I'm very serious. Lauren of today is a completely different person. I owe a great deal of that to the people in my life, right now. The people in my life bring me joy. Feeling 100% at ease around people... It's a nice feeling. I would not be able to deal with half the shit that's going on these days, without the friends I've got now. So thanks, guys. But, even though my friends are amazing... I can't give them all the credit. My own personal growth in the past year, even in the past 6 months; has been so great. I make me happy. I have my priorities in check. I do what I want to do, how I want to do it, and when I want to do it. I have a plan for my future. I know whats important. I'm living for ME.

I'm proud of myself.

Now playing: Wheatus - Dark Side
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

GingerBread said...

I do what I want to do, how I want to do it, and when I want to do it. I have a plan for my future. I know whats important. I'm living for ME.
