
Wakka wakka wakka

I have this terrible habit of saying that I'll post things in later entries, but then never actually posting them. Silly Laur, I should stop that. First off, let me tell you about that dream I alluded to, last entry.

It's a little hazy now that I'm actually writing about it, but I had a dream that everyone I work with (excluding Ed) and with the addition of some other people (Dillon, Chris, Liz) lived in a huge house together. It was some sort of school, but only for the 15 of us to learn. No learning occured in the dream, but I recall being MADLY in love with someone in the house. I'm not disclosing who it was, but it was completely random and completely stupid and completely never gonna happen. Hahaha. Anyway, the whole house went to this movie theater, turned concert hall, which was also a diner (The dream was weird, I'm telling you.) and the person I was "in love with" tells me he doesn't love me, and instead loves someone else. I freak out, but decide I'll be okay. I'm walking around the gift shop and I see this person pass me and I go into like clinger mode and try and get him back. It works, weirdly, because those things never work -- and then all of a sudden he's the clinger, hanging all over me. And I like freak out and try and get him to leave me alone. Then the concert started and everything settled down. Aside from my own convoluted part in this -- random people, people who wouldn't give each other a second glance IRL, were like hooking up, becoming close, fighting with each other through out the entire dream. SO EFFING WEIRD.

The dream itself makes me laugh really hard. But it was weird. Oh, it was so weird.

Last night I drank a 24 oz Monster. This occured at around... 11:30 pm? I DIDN'T SLEEP UNTIL DAMN NEAR 5 IN THE MORNING. I implore you... If you value your sanity... Or at the very least, your health; you won't drink 24 ounces of Monster or any energy drink for that matter. I made plans for a space ship to the mood. Began drawing up designs for the ship. Assigned a co-captain (Cory) and my crew (Kristen, Anthony, Mikey, and Chris). I watched the Lisa Lampenelli comedy central and laughed harder than was necessary. I basically lost my mind. Haha. I was in a bad way.

No more Monsters for me. Well, we all know thats a lie. How about... no more Monsters for me... past 8 pm? Sounds better. Much, much better.

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