
Well now... That was thoroughly embarassing.

I just looked at all 5 million of my old blogs. Oii. How embarassing. Seriously, the shit I found to complain about was ridiculous. I was extremely over-dramatic about the Gordon Duck love-story thing, and I went off on the most pointless tangents. AND!!!! I swear to Kurt, if I could go back in time and slap the shit out of my 13 year old self for using the word "sexxie" (spelled just like that) -- Oh, I totally would.

I made a FaceInHole album today. There's some seriously funny shit going on there.

I'm sort of sick again. I have this annoying cough-thing going on. What did I get? Like two days of health? -le sigh-

I should be in bed. I'm yawning every 2 seconds, and I have to be up at 5 am tomorrow morning for the usual school bullshit. Grawr. No matter how good it looks on paper; 7 am classes are just a baaaaad idea. I'm not even sure how I'm making it through this semester... Hopefully my grades aren't too shitty. -shrug-

I need hugs.
Everything makes me tired.
I want a graham cracker. :O
Cory makes me smile an awful lot.

Do I make you tired?

Now playing: Nirvana - Breed
via FoxyTunes

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