
List-ism #1: Annoyances

I just read something in my old journal, that reminded me how much I like writing lists. SO WITHOUT DELAY, I PRESENT TO YOU...!:

Lauren's List of Annoyances
(this goes well beyond the obvious "lying, cheating, stealing" thing.)

1. When my mom gets cold in the middle of the night and then turns the heat on.
My room, being as small as it is, heats up VERY quickly. So when she jacks the heat up to like 75 in the middle of the night, I wake up feeling like I just ran 3 miles through the deserts of Kenya. Parched, sweaty, and pissed off.

2. People who try to carry out online conversations without actually saying anything.
It's kind of hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn't contribute. They'll say 'What's up?' And you'll go on to tell them just exactly what IS up, and they either DON'T reply, reply 6 years later, or you get an "lol". It's much like carrying on a conversation with a brick wall. /facepalm Point is, don't talk to me unless you're going to TALK to me. End of discussion.

3. When YouTube videos take FOREVER to buffer.
I could go on FOREVER about this, but I'll keep it short and sweet. I know my internet speed is THE SHIT, and my computer is THE SHIT. Why in Kurt's name is it taking this SHIT forever to load?! No bueno, YouTube.

4. Being Ignored For No Good Reason.
Well, let me rephrase that. There very well may BE a reason for the ignoring going on, and that's all well and good, but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK, don't keep me on the outside of the issue. You're annoyed at me? Tell me, so I can clean up MY fucking act enough to resolve the problem. Don't just ignore me, because what THAT does is piss me off, and chances are you'll get more 'bad behavior' from me. ...Just sayin.

5. People Who Don't Shut The Fuck Up....... Ever.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely love talking. Maybe I just like the sound of my own voice. Theories abound on that one, but my point is, I looove to talk. HOWEVER, there comes a point in every Scandinavian man's life, when he just has to drawn the line. Let me be more specific. I love talking, in that, I love having conversations. When a conversation lulls, the silence is often where you consider what you've just heard, and are thinking of other things to say. Or, just enjoying the silence. Please, please, PLEASE... Don't be the fucker that babbles through the silence with pointless, ineffectual bullshit. Pretty please? :)

6. People Who Waste Space at NCC
I'm really sick of going to register for a class, only to find out that it's full, when I know that at LEAST 4 of the people in that class, are only registered for it so they can remain a full-time student and thus remain on their parent's insurance. Also, I'm not being too bold in saying that a good 75% of the population at NCC are wasting the air that they breathe, because from the way they act, it's QUITE obvious that the air isn't making it to their brains. (Seriously, Eddie will back me on this.)

7. Seeing That One Random Person From High School, Everywhere.
Do I even have to elaborate on this one? I'll be short. I graduated three years ago, and the fact that I'm still living in Glen Cove depresses me. Glen Cove has a HUGE population. Why the FUCK do I see the same people everywhere?

8. How Small The City of Glen Cove Really Is.
It is for this reason, that occurances like #7 happen ALL THE TIME.

9. People Who See My Aunt Out & About, and Tell Me About It.
"Oh, hey Laur! I saw your Aunt walking to Rising Tides the other day, while I was driving." ...Um. Yeah? Your point? This is going to sound mean, but I don't give a rat's taint where the fuck she was, and what she was doing. I DONT CARE. Truthfully, my aunt could have her own section on this particular post about how she annoys me. Shit, she could have an entire blog dedicated to how she annoys and embarrasses me. So, let me put the kabbash on this problem, once and for all: You see her somewhere? Keep it to yourself, I'm not interested.

10. Writer's Block. Also, Artist's Block.
Nothing sucks more than having an idea in your head for what you're going to draw or write, and then not being able to get it onto the paper the right way. And when writer's/artist's block hits me, it hits hard. I'll retire to my bedroom, claiming to be writing or drawing, and you'll find me six hours later, nothing written, and playing WoW or something else.

<3 Ell Vee

Now Playing: Norma Jean - Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste

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