
The Annual Year End Re-Cap: 2009 Edition

I can't believe I've had this blog for a year. I don't think I've ever had a blog that I've kept up with STEADILY for an entire year. Yay for finally committing to a blog. P: ANYWAY, on to the point of this blog...

I didn't get to do one of these last year because if you remember, I was otherwise indisposed. -_-; AHNEYWAIZ -- Here's what made 2009 rock AND what made 2009 suck.


Boy Issues:
Started off the year being depressed because my ex left NY. Acted like that was the end of the world. Alright, alright -- I was pretty torn up about it. As silly as it was. Whatevs. Then shit got progressively worse when he broke up with me a month later. 3 months of sadness. Bleh, whatever. Then I fell for a boy in the army who talked me up and down about all this bullshit that in the end never came to be because he dropped me like a bad habit. Ouch. I swear, I set myself up for this shit.

I was sick A LOT in 2009. Probably cause I was all distressed over bullshit. THAT, or I was paying back some SERIOUS karmic debt because of my Swine Flue jokes. Either way, it wasn't a good year for my immune system.

Mom's diverticulitis
She was sick for like 3 weeks, in bed, and thought it was an ovarian cyst that ruptured. Finally, I made her go to the hospital because she ran a fever. Turns out she could have died if she hadn't gone to the ER when she did. An emergency surgery, 5 months of recovery, and ANOTHER surgery later, Momma-dukes is still not 100%.

The Infamous Ankle Incident
Well, DUH. Of course this would be on the list. You all know the story. Mid-October, I'm in my dance class bustin moves... I end up bustin my ankle and it all goes downhill from there. I needed surgery, and stayed in the hospital for 4 days. Had to withdraw from school. Had to take off from work. And here it is, almost January and I'm still not working.

Nassau Fucked Me. HARD.
Alright, if you need a reminder of this, just read an entry or two down. I'm not recapping.

TEH R0xXx0Rz!!1!!1!one!1!:

Spent a week in Sunny Florida with the NSBGC crew. It was awesome. Lots of fun, lots of laugh, lots of sunburn. Not much more to say. It was really nice.

Awesome Grades
I kicked the piss out of the Spring 09 Semester. Three A's and two B+'s. Fuckin' right. GPA hath been brought up to 3.75 or summat like that.

Red Mango
(Can you tell I'm REALLY reaching for stuff to go on the good list?) Red Mango is the shit and I was introduced to it by Sami this summer. Haha. :)

Excellent Music
One thing I can say about 2009 was that I downloaded a SHIT TON of amazing music. My ears were ecstatic this year. OH! And I saw WEEZY in concert!!! :3

I finally caved and started playing World of Warcraft... and I haven't offed myself in shame, because it's awesome. I'm enjoying myself. And I made some new friends that also play WoW that are pretty neat as well.


And that, my friends, was my year.
As you can see, it was pretty much a DUD.
Here's to 2010 being INTENSELY more satisfying.


Now Playing: Pearl Jam - Even Flow

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