
My sources say, "The road is clear and all street signs point the way."

Are you gonna stand around til 2012 AD?
What are you waiting for,
A certain shade of green?
I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate.
What are you waiting for
A certain shade of green?

It's gonna snow a shitload tomorrow. Liiiike blizzard style. AWESOME! Eh, I'm not bitching. Not like I'm expected to go out in it anyway. I'm probably just gonna spend the day attempting to bake. Y'know how I roll.

Anyway! I want this:
Like really really REALLY effing badly.

It's the Sanyo Xacti CG10. 10.0 MP of pure sex. Hi Def video, 3" LCD screen, high quality audio, rechargable litho-ion battery, USB pictbridge direct transfer enabled... BASICALLY the video makers wet dream. In an affordable, aesthetically pleasing package. :) (It was also used in a few youtube campaigns.)

I know there's no chance in hell that I'm gonna get this for Christmas or anything so I'm just gonna save up for it myself. It'll be more gratifying when I buy it myself. Plus, it's really inexpensive, so I won't have to save up for it for like a bagillion years. It's ballin.

...In other news, I asked my mom for a new pair of glasses for Christmas this year. I lost mine back in liiike September or something and I've been going without ever since. Awesome.

Bleh, not much more to say.


ps: This song is absolutely amazing.

Now Playing: Incubus - Certain Shade of Green

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