
You'll shoot your eye out!

Ahh, a Christmas Day spent watching "A Christmas Story" is a Christmas Day well spent, in my eyes.

Not much to report since there's been nothing going on. But I will say this: We should all be thankful for the simple things in life. A roof over our heads... Family and friends... Lips that aren't suffering from a horrible allergic reaction...

Alright, that last one was a little personal. But omfg... You have no idea what this feels like. Never again shall I use softlips. This is torture. Bleh. And it's not even like anyone can SEE the little bumpies that I've got. They're blending into the color of my lips. HOWEVER, I'm self conscious about them. And aside from that, they're SO uncomfortable. D: It's calm down a bit from last night... My hopes are that tomorrow they'll be gone.

OH! And speaking of tomorrow! I'm gettin my glasses tomorrow!!!! :D FINALLY! I can rejoin the world of those with vision! This is probably the weirdest thing I've ever been excited about. /shrug.

Anyway... With that last pathetic note, I bid thee adieu.

Hope everyone's holiday was wonderful!
Who am I kidding? No one reads this. LOL.

Your faithful HoHoHoe,
♥ Laurasaur


Can't believe I almost forgot to post this!

This afternoon I made my own stop motion animation thingermabobber. I'm fairly impressed by it, because I wasn't sure if I'd actually be able to pull it off. But I did! Even if it is a bit messy. Oh wells! Um... Here ya go! :)

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