
Oh god. Get me off of my computer.


lauren elizabeth

may 7

glen cove. wah-wah!

Current Location:
glen cove.

Eye Color:

Hair Color:
black. and dirty blonde roots. i need hair dye NOW.

5'4" and 3/4ths.

Right Handed or Left Handed:

Your Heritage:
50% mainly german and 50% puerto rican.

The Shoes You Wore Today:
i haven't had shoes on.

Your Weakness:
boys, frozen yogurt, proper grammar, hot chocolate from D&D

Your Fears:
cancer, falling

Your Perfect Pizza:
buffchix lol

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
09 is over and it's been shit. but for 2010? get outta nassau, get my CNA, get a job at GCCNR, get myself a car, get accepted into the Molloy nursing program... I think that's enough for now.

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:
definitely WTF. then any variant of lol, omfg, stfu and gtfo. OH. i should probably mention my blatant over use of the phrase "Seriously? Seriously."

Thoughts First Waking Up:
"No fucking WAY."

Your Best Physical Feature:
my freckle patch.

Your Bedtime:
whenever i get sleepy -- typically around 2 or 3 in the morning

Your Most Missed Memory:
feeling wanted

Pepsi or Coke:

McDonalds or Burger King:
i hate BK, but mc donalds isnt much better, except for their nuggets. omfg o__o; mc d's nuggets are lifeblood.

Single or Group Dates?
i don't think i've ever been on a real date

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:

Chocolate or Vanilla:
this makes me want ice cream. right now. idc what kind. give! nao!

Cappuccino or Coffee:
cappuccino with extra foam or iced coffee, im not picky. =]

Do you Smoke:

Do you Swear:
like a sailor.

Do you Sing:
like, all the time!

Do you Shower Daily:
at least once.

Have you Been in Love:
i was once.

Do you want to go to College:
technically, i'm in college right now. but um. im not because im broken. /sigh

Do you want to get Married:
eventually, it'd be nice

Do you want kids:
yeah, that too would be nice, i 'spose.

Do you belive in yourself:
not really. i probably should do that more.

Do you get Motion Sickness:

Do you think you are Attractive:
double negative. no, wait, that means affirmative. no, im not.

Are you a Health Freak:
oh yes......... sikee.

Do you get along with your Parents:
mom, yeah, mostly.

Do you like Thunderstorms:
not when they wake me up from a perfectly decent slumber

Do you play an Instrument:
i whine. does that count?

In the past month have you Smoked:

In the past month have you been on Drugs:
silly. no.

In the past month have you gone on a Date:
harsh, no.

In the past month have you gone to a Mall:
no. =[

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:
no, but now that you say it, the prospect seems deightful. i don't plan on it.

In the past month have you eaten Sushi:
fuck you. =[

In the past month have you been on Stage:

In the past month have you been Dumped:
can't get dumped when you're single.

In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:
It's winter. Que loco!

In the past month have you Stolen Anything:

Ever been Drunk:
Si, senor.

Ever been called a Tease:
Yeah. Bullshitt.

Ever been Beaten up:
Not on a serious level.

Ever Shoplifted:

How do you want to Die:
um.... don't wanna think about it. :D

What do you want to be when you Grow Up:

What country would you most like to Visit:

In a Boy/Girl..

Favourite Eye Color:
i don't really care.

Favourite Hair Color:
green. :P kidding. um, idc really.

Short or Long Hair:
doesn't matter. not TOO long though.

taller than me.

dont care.

Best Clothing Style:
are people really this materialistic? doesn't matter to me, as long as he isn't a TOTAL scrub.

Number of Drugs I have taken:

Number of CDs I own:
too many

Number of Piercings:

Number of things in my Past I Regret:
if i sat here and listed them all, you would be dead from natural causes before i finished.

oh, i love this song. :3
Now playing: Bloc Party - Flux
via FoxyTunes

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