
Maybe I'll just sing about it.

People change. People drift. New ones come along. People you had doubts about all along prove you right. People you never expected to be there for you prove you wrong. People you never thought you'd be close to become closer than the ones you thought would be there forever.

Things change. And none of it's terribly sad. It's welcome change in my eyes. It all helps me grow. That's the way I'm looking at things right now. -shrug-

I miss Cory.

I'm pretty sure I say that every time I write here. Oh wellz. It's true. It's a thought I have a lot. Why not share? Haha.

Jeremie wrote me, from Parris Island. That was pretty cool of him. I feel kind of bad, because I can tell it's tough on him. I hope he's the same dude when he gets out. I'm gonna write him back and mail it tomorrow before I go to work.

Tomorrow we're filming the first episode of "The Real World: North Shore". I'm pretty excited. It's gonna be good times. I love those people. So much. Oh, and we might go see NOTORIOUS afterward. So psyched.

The music video for the song "Heartless" by Kanye West is pretty cool.
I really have nothing to say. Unless you're interested in reading my rants on why Cory should be here.

I know you're not interested.
Grey's is on in 2 minutes. Yay tele-drama.

I just found out that Johannes Brahms was born the same day as me. That's pretty badass. He was a brilliant composer. [/nerd]

Now playing: Tickle Me Pink - Madeline
via FoxyTunes

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