
Random Thought.

I wonder... Who was the first person to turn the brim of their hat to the side? Who originated that trend? Whoever it is must feel pretty damn good about themselves. Every day bazillions (yeah, I'm making up words now) of people -- men, women, myself included -- bite off of the style of this fashion "pioneer". Assuming the person who started the trend is still alive, he must look at everyone with their hats to the side and think, "Damn, check my shit out, yo."

It's either that, or he realized that the American youth are a bunch of vile trend whores, and anything that's trendy? ...They'll eat that shit up. And right now, as we speak, this person is walking around the mall, looking at these dipshits with their hat brims off to the side, and laughing his ass off at this private joke he's got with himself.

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