
So this is the new year...

Happy New Year! My resolutions (if you can call them that) are all geared around self-improvement... so I'm not gonna bother to write them out. Oh, and another resolution is to do more art. Be more artistic, think outside the box more, and create. -shrug- Sounds do-able.

Cory's here. He's been here since Saturday (the 27h) and it's been the most amazing time ever. I haven't ever been so happy. Ever. Saturday after Mom and I picked him up, we took him to Majestic and had dinner there. Sunday we went to East West in Westbury to meet Andrew WK before the concert at the Donkey. But of course my car decides to be an asshole, and would not start after we got out of East West. So effing lame. Finally, after Sam came to the rescue with tools, and Cory beat the shit out of our car battery... The bastard thing started. We then went to the Donkey and saw AWK and proceeded to have the most amazing concert experience ever. Monday we went into the city with Katie, which was quite interesting. Katie's on crack (as if we weren't all aware) and was being her usual retarded self on the bus. Once we got into the city, we showed Cory all the fun touristy things, including the Toys R Us, MTV Store, all of Times Square, and Rockefeller Center. It was a lot of fun. Tuesday, we went out to lunch with Sam and Melissa which was, as always; an experience. After that I brought him to the Boys and Girls Club to meet everyone who was there, and to see where I work. Yadda yadda. Then we had to go grocery shopping. Cory bought me this HUGE panda bear while we were at the store. I'm loving it. It's reeeeally soft. =) Yesterday for New Years Eve we went to Joe's house. That was also really fun. Mazza interrogated him about Missouri, which was entertaining because she was acting as if Missouri is some... 3rd world country or something. Blah, I feel like I'm rambling about stuff. These past 5 days have been amazing, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Tomorrow we're going back into the city with Kristen, Chris, Kemp, and possibly Amanda and Joe. Probably gonna try and check out Madame Tussuad's, try going to Nintendo World again, and then make our way to Brooklyn Bridge Park to meet a friend of Cory's.

I'm dreading Saturday. I don't want it to happen. I want to freeze time so that this happiness I'm experiencing won't leave me. I'm so scared of what's going to happen when he goes... I need to freeze time. Or a time machine. Something. I need something, quick.

Now playing: Ingrid Michaelson - Giving Up
via FoxyTunes

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